Belgium Flag

Belgium Flag Color Codes

in HEX, RGB, CMYK & Pantone


The Belgium flag features three primary colors: Black, Yellow, Red. The table below showcases the common and popular codes for these colors in HEX, RGB, and CMYK formats, along with Pantone (PMS), RAL, and NCS (Natural Color System) references. Remember, HEX and RGB codes are ideal for digital projects and web design (including HTML and CSS), while CMYK values are tailored for printing purposes.

The flag of Belgium is a distinctive and historic national emblem that represents the unity, diversity, and cultural heritage of the Belgian people. Its design is simple yet rich in symbolism, reflecting the country's history and political structure.

Design and Elements:

  1. Background:
    • Colors: The flag consists of three vertical bands of equal width. From left to right, the colors are black (hoist side), yellow (middle), and red (fly side).
    • Proportions: The flag's width-to-length ratio is 13:15.


  1. Color Symbolism:
    • Black: The black color represents the soil of the region and the determination of the Belgian people.
    • Yellow: The yellow color symbolizes the wealth and natural resources of Belgium, as well as its cultural and historical heritage.
    • Red: The red color represents the blood shed by those who fought for Belgium's independence and freedom.

Historical Context:

The design of the Belgian flag dates back to the Belgian Revolution of 1830, which led to the country's independence from the Netherlands. The colors were inspired by the coat of arms of the Duchy of Brabant, a historic region within modern-day Belgium.

Overall Significance:

The flag of Belgium is a powerful symbol of national unity and pride. It reflects the country's resilience, cultural diversity, and commitment to democracy and human rights. The flag is widely recognized and used in various official and ceremonial contexts, representing Belgium both domestically and internationally. It serves as a reminder of Belgium's rich history and the values that unite its people, contributing to a sense of identity and belonging among Belgians at home and abroad.

Belgium Flag Colors - Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK, and Pantone Codes

Discover the official colors of the Belgium flag with detailed information. Find the exact Hex, RGB, CMYK, and Pantone codes in our comprehensive color table below, perfect for designers, educators, and flag enthusiasts.

Color Name Information
Download Black Name: Black HEX: #000000 RGB: 0, 0, 0 CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100 Pantone: Black
Download Yellow Name: Yellow HEX: #FDDA24 RGB: 253, 218, 36 CMYK: 0, 6, 87, 0 Pantone: Yellow 115
Download Red Name: Red HEX: #EF3340 RGB: 239, 51, 64 CMYK: 0, 86, 63, 0 Pantone: Red 32

Belgium Flag Downloads in Various Image Formats

Explore our collection of Belgium flag downloads available in a variety of image formats. Whether you need high-resolution files for professional projects or simple images for personal use, you'll find the perfect format to suit your needs.