The Saint Petersburg flag features three primary colors: Red, White, Yellow, Black, Blue. The table below showcases the common and popular codes for these colors in HEX, RGB, and CMYK formats, along with Pantone (PMS), RAL, and NCS (Natural Color System) references. Remember, HEX and RGB codes are ideal for digital projects and web design (including HTML and CSS), while CMYK values are tailored for printing purposes.
The flag of Saint Petersburg, the cultural capital of Russia, is a striking design that reflects the city’s maritime history, imperial heritage, and its role as a vital port and gateway to the world.
Red Field: The background is a solid red, symbolizing power, bravery, and the enduring spirit of Saint Petersburg, as well as its significance in Russian history.
Crossed Anchors: Two crossed anchors dominate the center. The sea anchor (right) symbolizes Saint Petersburg’s connection to the Baltic Sea. The river anchor (left) represents its location along the Neva River, highlighting the city’s role as a key inland waterway hub.
Scepter: A golden scepter with the imperial Russian double-headed eagle sits at the crossing point of the anchors. This symbolizes the city’s historical role as the imperial capital of Russia and its close ties to the monarchy.
Red Field: Represents courage, resilience, and the rich historical importance of the city.
Anchors: Reflect Saint Petersburg’s identity as a major maritime and riverine port, central to trade and naval power.
Scepter and Double-Headed Eagle: Emphasize the city’s imperial heritage and its importance as the seat of power during the era of the Russian Empire.
Historical Context:
Adopted officially in 1991, the flag combines historical emblems that date back to the city’s founding by Peter the Great in 1703. Saint Petersburg was established as Russia’s "window to Europe," serving as a cultural and economic bridge between Russia and the Western world. The flag encapsulates this legacy through its maritime motifs and symbols of imperial authority.
The design serves as a proud emblem for the city, celebrating its role as a naval powerhouse, cultural beacon, and historical capital of Russia.