Yemen Flag

Yemen Flag Color Codes

in HEX, RGB, CMYK & Pantone


The Yemen flag features three primary colors: Red, White, Black. The table below showcases the common and popular codes for these colors in HEX, RGB, and CMYK formats, along with Pantone (PMS), RAL, and NCS (Natural Color System) references. Remember, HEX and RGB codes are ideal for digital projects and web design (including HTML and CSS), while CMYK values are tailored for printing purposes.

The flag of Yemen is a potent symbol of the nation's unity and resilience. Officially adopted on May 22, 1990, following the unification of North and South Yemen, the flag embodies the hopes and aspirations of a unified Yemeni state.

Design and Elements


  • The flag consists of three equal horizontal bands of red, white, and black, arranged from top to bottom.


  • Red: Represents the bloodshed and sacrifices made by the Yemeni people in their struggle for independence and unity.
  • White: Symbolizes the hope for a bright future and the pursuit of peace and prosperity.
  • Black: Reflects the dark past and the adversity that the nation has overcome.


Red Stripe:

  • The red color signifies the valor and sacrifices of the Yemeni people during their fight for independence from colonial rule and their efforts to achieve national unity.

White Stripe:

  • The white stripe stands for the pure intentions of the people and their hope for peace, stability, and a prosperous future.

Black Stripe:

  • The black color represents the dark periods of oppression and conflict that Yemen has endured, highlighting the nation's resilience and ability to overcome adversity.

Historical Context


  • The flag was adopted on May 22, 1990, the day when the Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen) and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen) united to form the Republic of Yemen.
  • The design of the flag was inspired by the Pan-Arab colors, which symbolize the shared history and solidarity among Arab nations.

Pan-Arab Colors:

  • The red, white, and black colors are part of the Pan-Arab color scheme, which reflects the historical and cultural bonds among Arab countries. This color scheme is also seen in the flags of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and several other Arab nations.

Overall Significance

The flag of Yemen stands as a testament to the nation's journey towards unity and peace. Each color in the flag tells a part of Yemen's story, from the struggles and sacrifices made for independence to the hopes for a peaceful and prosperous future. The adoption of the Pan-Arab colors signifies Yemen's connection to the broader Arab identity and its solidarity with other Arab nations. Through its simple yet meaningful design, the Yemeni flag encapsulates the spirit and resilience of its people.

Yemen Flag Colors - Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK, and Pantone Codes

Discover the official colors of the Yemen flag with detailed information. Find the exact Hex, RGB, CMYK, and Pantone codes in our comprehensive color table below, perfect for designers, educators, and flag enthusiasts.

Color Name Information
Download Red Name: Red HEX: #CE1126 RGB: 206, 17, 38 CMYK: 0, 90, 76, 0 Pantone: N/A
Download White Name: White HEX: #FFFFFF RGB: 255, 255, 255 CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0 Pantone: N/A
Download Black Name: Black HEX: #000000 RGB: 0, 0, 0 CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100 Pantone: N/A

Yemen Flag Downloads in Various Image Formats

Explore our collection of Yemen flag downloads available in a variety of image formats. Whether you need high-resolution files for professional projects or simple images for personal use, you'll find the perfect format to suit your needs.